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The Request is a fundamental building block of HTTL, no surprise there ;). While the syntax is largely dictated by the HTTP protocol, the goal was to make it more human-friendly rather than purely protocol-centric.

Let’s start with a complete request form and break it down step by step:

post Authorization: Bearer token { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" } as user assert { status: 201, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }, body: { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" } }

Request line

The first line combines the verb and the path — again, no surprise there. Both the verb and path should appear on the same line. For simplicity, all verbs are written in lowercase in HTTL but are sent in uppercase.

Below is the list of all verbs supported by HTTL: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options, connect, trace, lock, unlock, propfind, proppatch, copy, move, mkcol, mkcalendar, acl, search

The path can be either a full URL or a relative path:

# Full URL get # Relative path @base: get /users


HTTP headers are defined on the line following the request line, and they are optional. The overall syntax does not differ from the HTTP specification. Each header should follow the key: value format.


For now we don’t support multi-line headers.

Any blank line will separate the header from the original request object.

# `Authorization` will be sent as a header get /users Authorization: Bearer token # `Authorization` header does not belongs to the request anymore and became a global header get /users # this request will fail Authorization: Bearer token # this request will be successful because the `Authorization` header is a global header now get /users

More about global headers on the Header page.


The body follows the headers, or it can directly follow the request line if there are no headers. The body is optional. Although the HTTP specification requires a blank line separating the body from the headers, HTTL does not strictly enforce this. Moreover, you can place the body on the same line as the request line.

get /users { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" }

Yes, HTTL supports a request body for all HTTP verbs, including GET and DELETE.

Body types:

  • JSON

    This is the default body type unless other modifiers are specified.
    HTTL supports both JSON and JavaScript formats for the body.

    Additionally, the request is automatically updated with the Content-Type: application/json header.

    post /users { # valid "name": "morpheus", # also valid job: "leader" }

    HTTL does not currently support single quotes for strings; only double quotes are allowed. We are working on adding support for single quotes.

  • URL-Encoded

    For a URL-encoded body, you need to specify the urlencoded modifier.
    This automatically updates the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

    For example, the body:

    post /users urlencoded { name: "John Doe", age: 30 }

    will be sent as:

    POST /users content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded name=John+Doe&age=30

    As you can see, urlencoded { name: "John Doe", age: 30 } is more human-friendly than name=John+Doe&age=30.

    This is especially beneficial because, on the backend, the body model is typically represented by a class with corresponding fields. It’s more natural to work with these fields rather than raw body.

  • Form-Data

    Similarly, you just need to specify the formdata modifier, and the body will be converted to form-data. Additionally, the Content-Type header will be updated to multipart/form-data.

    The body:

    post /users formdata { name: "John Doe", age: 30 }

    will be sent as

    POST /users content-type: content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------752187623518149651908118 ----------------------------752187623518149651908118 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name" John Doe ----------------------------752187623518149651908118 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="age" 30

    Imagine how much time you could save by not having to write this manually :)


    For now, we are working to add support for files in the formdata body.

  • Binary

    For scenarios where you need to send a binary body, you can use the bin modifier.
    The Content-Type header will be automatically updated to application/octet-stream.

    The body:

    post /users bin "path/to/file"

    will be sent as

    POST /users content-type: application/octet-stream <binary data>
  • Raw

    And if none of the above suits your needs, you can send the body as raw.
    To do so, specify the raw modifier.
    In this case, no headers will be added to the request.

    The body:

    post /users raw "some data"

    will be sent as

    POST /users some data


The entire request response can be stored in a variable using the as keyword. This is useful when you want to use the response in subsequent requests.

post /login { user: "user" password: "password", } as auth Authorization: Bearer {auth.token} post /users { "name": "rob", "job": "engineer", }

More about variable on the Variables page.


The assert block is optional and can be used to validate the response of a request. This feature will be appreciated by those who write a lot of tests for APIs.

It can be used to check the status code, headers, and body of the response.


It’a already in the roadmap to add more features to the assert block.

get /users/1 assert { status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }, body: { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" } }

More about variable on the Testing page.

Multiple Requests

It might sound obvious, but to state it directly: you can include multiple requests in a single file.

Each request is executed in the order it is defined. HTTL waits for the response of each request before sending the next one. In the output, you will see the responses of each request in the sequence they were defined.

@base: get /users post /users { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" } get /users/1 delete /users/1

In the end, you will see 4 responses, one for each request.

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