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Headers in HTTL

Headers follow a simple key: value syntax.

Syntax Rules:

Content-Type: application/json
  • Single-line requirement: Headers must be declared on a single line.
  • Automatic trimming: Leading/trailing whitespace in the value is automatically removed.

Header Types:

  1. Request Headers

    • Apply to a specific HTTP request.
    • Defined within a request block.
  2. Global Headers

    • Apply to all requests in the file.
    • Declared outside of any request block.

Request header

(Partially covered in the Request section)

Request headers are declared immediately after a request declaration and apply only to that specific request.


get /users Authorization: Bearer token Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache

Global headers are automatically applied to all subsequent requests within the file.

These are particularly useful for defining:

  • Authentication headers (e.g., Authorization: Bearer <token>)
  • Common content types (e.g., Content-Type: application/json)
  • API-wide configurations (e.g., X-API-Version: 2.1)


@base: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer token get /users post /users { name: "morpheus", job: "leader" }


Headers are sent in lowercase in accordance with the HTTP specification.

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