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CLIRun a Request

Run a query from the command line

To run an HTTL query from the command line, use the following command:

httl < method > < url > [headers] [body_format] [body]


  • method - one of the HTTP methods from the list

  • url - the URL to make the request, can be absolute or relative if you use along with a default .httl file

  • headers - headers in the format key:value separated by space, example: Authorization:token

  • body_format - body format, one of --json (default), --formdata, --urlencoded, --raw, --bin

  • body - body content, example: { name: "John" }


Simple GET request

httl get https://httl.dev/api/users

Simple GET request with a basic .httl file with content: @base: https://httl.dev/api

httl get users

GET request with headers

httl get https://httl.dev/api/users Authorization:"Bearer token" Cache-Control:private

POST request with a JSON body

httl post https://httpbin.org/anything '{ name: "John" }'

PUT request with form data; JSON payload will be converted to form data

httl put https://httpbin.org/anything --formdata '{ name: "John" }'

POST request with a URL-encoded body

httl post https://httpbin.org/anything --urlencoded '{ name: "John" }'

POST request with a raw body

httl post https://httpbin.org/anything 'name=John&age=30'

POST request with a binary file

httl post https://httpbin.org/anything --bin ./file.bin

POST request with a payload from the input stream; HTTP will automatically detect the content type.

httl post https://httpbin.org/anything < ./payload.json
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